What Can Dogs Drink Besides Water?

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What you can learn from this article:

  • Know the answer to what can dogs drink besides water.
  • While your dog can occasionally drink other liquids, only water is completely safe for all dogs and is the best treatment for hydration.
  • There are certain alternative drinks that your dog can have and cannot drink.
  • However, you should always put your dog’s safety first and get advice from a veterinarian before attempting any new diet.

Can dogs drink anything other than water? Should dogs only have water?

What Can Dogs Drink Besides Water?
what can dogs drink besides water

The main beverage you feed your dog SHOULD BE WATER. It is the most secure drink for your pet, and all dogs may consume it without any problems. All dogs need to be hydrated, so make sure you always have enough water on hand for them.

What can dogs drink besides water? Of course, there are other options. Certain liquids make excellent infrequent treats for your pet and can hydrate and restore electrolytes in dogs.

Just keep in mind that, like any treat, the calories and nutritional value of supplementary liquids must be taken into consideration when determining your dog’s daily caloric intake. 

Consult your veterinarian if you want to know what can dogs drink besides water before making the switch to another liquid in your pup’s normal diet to make sure the change is well-balanced.

Why is water important for dogs? The importance of hydrating your pet

Water is a necessary and fundamental component of all living things, it is also the same with dogs. Every pound of body weight in a healthy dog requires around an ounce of water each day.

The same types of pleasures that people derive from milk, coffee, soda, or fruit juices are not available to or required of dogs. Water is the only beverage that offers the ordinary dog the same benefits.

For dogs, dehydration can result in just as many issues as consuming the incorrect liquids. Water plays a significant role in all aspects of a dog’s physical existence and health on several levels, including the circulatory system, joint flexibility, temperature control, and energy level. 

Water and clean water bowls are essential for keeping your dog adequately hydrated.

7 safe drinks your dog can have other than water

What Can Dogs Drink Besides Water?
7 safe drinks your dog can have other than water

Dog owners might wonder “Is anything else safe for dogs like water? Here are 7 common alternatives that you can let your dog drink.

Vegetable extracts or juice

There are many drinks like vegetable extracts and juice used for what can dogs drink besides water. Healthy treats for dogs can be vegetables like carrots, beetroot, kale, celery, and spinach. They are all loaded with vitamins, minerals, and a variety of other nutrients.

It makes sense that their juices would be safe and advantageous for dogs because they are also minimal in calories and have no known adverse effects for dogs.

Beets, celery, and carrots may all be juiced in a food processor. You may boil and filter spinach and kale to obtain their extracts.

Fruit juice

Fruit juices are okay for dogs to drink, but you should think about what they may safely consume. Only fresh juice produced from canine-friendly fruits should be given to your dogs.

Artificial flavors, sugars, and preservatives are common in store-bought juices, none of which are good for your dog. Also, the juice should not be made from any fruits that are poisonous to dogs (for example grapes, sour fruits, berries, or others).

Coconut water

Coconut water is a popular choice among water substitutes for dogs. In addition to its ability to hydrate, coconut water is a rich source of vitamins (vitamins C and B), minerals, and electrolytes. Additionally, the nutrients in coconut water can help dogs with poor breath, skin conditions, and better-quality fur.

Nut milk

Due to the lactose level, dairy milk is completely not the healthiest beverage for dogs. However, nut milk is considered to be a nutritious alternative.

Almond, soy, and coconut milk are all rich in minerals and contain no lactose. Nut milk in moderation helps boost defenses, stops foul breath, and supports dogs consuming the recommended daily calorie intake.

Make sure the milk doesn’t have any artificial components and that your dog isn’t sensitive to nuts. Avoid consuming excessive amounts of almond and soy milk since they are high in calories.


Probiotics are healthy bacteria, and the number of them in the dog’s stomach guarantees perfect gut health and no digestive issues. So we cannot overlook the probiotic drink known as kefir when discussing the types of drinks that dogs can consume. 

Fermented kefir is taken from cow, goat, or coconut milk. Dogs taking antibiotics for digestive problems might gain a lot from kefir’s probiotic benefits.

Chicken or beef broth

One good choice is the juice of their meal, such as beef and chicken broth, if you frequently ask what beverages are safe for dogs. They all have the healthy qualities of beef and chicken, and the broth of course is simple for dogs to consume.

You may give your canine companions simple beef and chicken broth or spice their food and water with it. A dog with gastrointestinal discomfort might also benefit from broth’s calming effects.


This last option is not preferable even if it can help your pet rehydrate faster. Pedialyte is the water that has electrolytes added so verify that your pet is only consuming the unflavored variety of the product, and ask your veterinarian for the right dosage.

What can puppies drink besides water?

You want to know what can puppies drink besides water. Let us share you right away.

Water is the best drink for puppies, but there are a few other drinks that can be given to them in moderation. It’s important to note that these drinks should not replace water in a puppy’s diet and should only be given sparingly. Here are a few examples:

  • Milk: Puppies can drink milk, but only in small amounts. Cow’s milk can be difficult for puppies to digest, so it’s best to give them specially formulated puppy milk replacer instead.
  • Goat’s milk: Goat’s milk is a good alternative to cow’s milk as it’s easier for puppies to digest. However, it should still be given in moderation.
  • Bone broth: Bone broth is a nutrient-rich drink that can be given to puppies in small amounts. It’s important to use a low-sodium broth and avoid giving puppies any cooked bones.
  • Coconut water: Coconut water is a natural source of electrolytes and can be given to puppies in small amounts. However, it should be unsweetened and given in moderation.
  • Fruit juice: Puppies can drink small amounts of unsweetened fruit juice, but it’s important to avoid giving them any juice with added sugar or artificial sweeteners.

It’s important to consult with a veterinarian before giving any drinks other than water to a puppy to ensure that they are safe and appropriate for their individual needs.

7 things dogs should never drink

What Can Dogs Drink Besides Water?
7 things dogs should never drink

Some drinks are fine to enjoy with your pet, while others should never be given to your canine friend since they are harmful to them. These 6 liquids are off-limits for your dog’s paws.


Beverages can harm a dog’s respiration, cause them to vomit or have diarrhea, or even kill them in extreme situations. Any alcoholic beverages you have in your home must be kept out of your dog’s reach.


Methylxanthine, one component of chocolate, is poisonous to dogs. It can result in vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, and even death.

Additionally, theobromine in chocolate harms your dog’s kidneys, neurological system, and circulatory system. While dark chocolate is the most hazardous, you should avoid offering your dog any chocolate at all since even a tiny bit can make them sick.


Methylxanthine, as mentioned above, is also a component of caffeine. In pets, the caffeine toxicity effects resemble those of a stimulant overdose; examples include elevated blood pressure, an irregular pulse, restlessness, vomiting, and even death.

Therefore, it’s imperative to refrain from providing your dog with any caffeinated food or beverages.

Wine and grape juice

Acute kidney injury (AKI) has been linked to the consumption of grapes or raisins in dogs (Schweighauser et al., 2020). Also, wine is plainly created from grapes, dogs cannot tolerate the alcohol that it contains.

Cow milk

While cow milk is generally safe and nutritious for humans, it is not good for dogs. Being lactose intolerant, the majority of dogs may experience stomach discomfort, flatulence, and even diarrhea after ingesting dairy. 

It should be noted that each dog’s level of lactose sensitivity is different; some dogs may be more tolerant to milk than others. However, it’s advisable to choose the path of caution and stay away from milk entirely.

Contaminated water 

Keep your dog away from drinking any water that isn’t fresh, including water from ponds and swimming pools. A stomach upset or even intestinal parasites might result from consuming polluted water.

Anything with added sugar, salt, or artificial sweeteners

Any beverage you offer your dog shouldn’t include one of those ingredients. These drugs might cause your pet to acquire too much weight and are just bad for them. For dogs, artificial sweeteners, especially xylitol, can be extremely poisonous and cause loss of coordination, stupor, seizures, and even death.

What to know about what your dog drinks beside waters

Do dogs become bored with water?

Dogs, in general, are not like humans, and they frequently don’t become bored with a dish of water as a means of preventing dehydration. To thrive and expand, your dog requires water as its main drink. Water should always be the primary beverage consumed; all other liquids should only be used as supplements.

Why offer your dogs alternatives?

“What else can dogs drink besides water?” is one of your concerns if you want to prepare other kinds of drinks for your dog. The reasons can be:

  • Give your pet tasty treats. Other liquids, like unsalted broth, are simply delectable to many puppies, giving them a fun way to spoil your beloved dog. For a refreshing treat for your dog, liquid treats can also be frozen.
  • Provide nutritional advantages. A few of these drinks provide vitamins and minerals that are good for dogs, which can assist your best friend’s diet. Some go so far as to include extra protein, fat, and calories.
  • Encourage your dog to drink more. A small amount of liquid added to their water bowl may tempt puppies who don’t seem to drink as much water as they should.
  • Support your pet in recovery. Certain beverages can assist your dog to regain his natural state by rehydrating a dehydrated dog or relieving gastrointestinal distress.

What can I give my dog if he is dehydrated?

What Can Dogs Drink Besides Water?
What can I give my dog if he is dehydrated?

Water is the finest thing to offer to a dehydrated dog. However, there are ways to improve the taste of water for your animal family member if they aren’t drinking it for some other reason.

To make the water colder and more attractive, add one or two ice cubes. In cases of extreme dehydration, an electrolyte solution can also be added. Make your own electrolyte solution if you don’t have any on hand by mixing some salt and sugar into plain water.

Additionally, the broth is a good water addition. Your dog’s water dish would taste better if you added one or two tablespoons, and it would help soothe your dog’s upset stomach.

You would need to take your furry friend to the vet if his dehydration was serious. In such circumstances, your dog won’t be able to drink water on his own and will require intravenous fluid administration.

You may also hydrate your pet at home by squirting water into his mouth using a needleless syringe.


Can dogs drink electrolyte water?

Yes, dogs can drink electrolyte water, but it should be given in moderation and not as a substitute for regular water. It is especially helpful when a dog is dehydrated or has been vomiting or experiencing diarrhea.

Can dogs drink herbal tea?

Yes, dogs can drink certain types of herbal tea, but it’s important to check with a veterinarian first to ensure that the herbs are safe for dogs and won’t interact with any medications the dog may be taking.

Can dogs drink almond milk?

Yes, dogs can drink almond milk, but it should be given in moderation as a treat and not as a substitute for regular water or a balanced diet. It’s important to choose unsweetened and unflavored almond milk, and to check with a veterinarian if a dog has any dietary restrictions or allergies.

Can milk help with joint pain in dogs?

Milk can be beneficial for dogs with joint pain as it contains calcium and vitamin D, which support bone health. However, it’s important to choose low-fat or fat-free milk and to avoid giving milk to dogs who are lactose intolerant or have dairy allergies.

Are there any specific brands of electrolyte water that are safe for dogs?

There are several brands of electrolyte water that are safe for dogs, but it’s important to choose products that don’t contain any artificial sweeteners or additives that could be harmful to dogs. Additionally, it’s important to check with a veterinarian before giving electrolyte water to a dog to ensure that it’s appropriate for their individual needs.


What can dogs drink besides water? You should know that there are still other suitable options to drink. Dogs may consume small amounts of fresh juices, coconut water, carrot extract, nut milk, bone broth, and kefir. Be mindful to not give dogs anything that has extra sugar, salt, or preservatives. 

However, during times of severe weather, fresh water is even more crucial. And when it comes to your dog’s access to water in the summer and winter, be extra careful. Dogs should always have access to water since their capacity to sweat is restricted. Stick to clean, fresh, cold water to hydrate your dog in the safest manner possible. And consult the vet if you want to treat your dog with any drinks besides water.