The Top Reasons Why Does My Dog Smell Like Fish – From Anal Glands to Diet

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If you’ve ever noticed your furry friend emitting an unpleasant fishy odor, you may be wondering, Why does my dog smell like fish? While dogs are known to have a certain odor, a fishy smell is not normal and can be a sign of an underlying health issue. There are several potential reasons why your dog may smell like fish, ranging from infections to dietary issues. Identifying the root cause of the odor is crucial to your pet’s health and well-being, and a trip to the veterinarian can help diagnose and treat any underlying issues.

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Initial evaluation about your dog’s fishy smell

<strong>The Top Reasons Why Does My Dog Smell Like Fish - From Anal Glands to Diet</strong>
Initial evaluation about your dog’s fishy smell

Every dog owner should try to pinpoint the source of the odor (that might make a pet smell fishy) before diving into some of the medical issues. Does your dog have a fishy smell coming from lips, ears, beneath the tail, or somewhere else?

Your dog may smell a little funny for a variety of reasons, and determining where the scent is most noticeable might help solve the riddle.

Some health problems that result in a strange or fishy odor include:

  • Periodontal disease (dental issues);
  • Parasites;
  • Immune disorder;
  • Diabetes;
  • Infected ears;
  • Skin bacterial or yeast infections;
  • Kidney illness;
  • Dandruff and other skin disorders

Is it normal for dogs to have a fishy odor?

It’s not normal for dogs to have a fishy odor, and it can be a sign of an underlying health issue. Dogs can have a natural odor, but it should not be overly strong or unpleasant. If your dog has a fishy smell, it may be due to an infection, issues with the anal glands, dental problems, or skin issues. It’s important to take your dog to a veterinarian to determine the underlying cause of the odor and receive appropriate treatment to address any health issues that may be causing the odor.

What potential causes a fishy smell in dogs?

<strong>The Top Reasons Why Does My Dog Smell Like Fish - From Anal Glands to Diet</strong>
What potential causes a fishy smell in dogs?

There are several potential causes of a fishy smell in dogs, including:

Anal gland issues

Dogs have anal glands that produce a fishy-smelling secretion. If these glands become blocked or infected, they can cause a strong odor.

What are anal glands?

The most likely reason for your dog to smell fishy is that the affected anal glands need to be relieved. The anal sacs in your dog’s rectum are located on both sides and are the size of peas. An oily material that is present in these sacs is discharged through your dog’s feces. To other puppies and animals, it serves as a sign of territory, mate readiness, etc.

You may have seen a dog skid behind on the ground because of this “clogged” mechanism. The vet or the majority of groomers can release the glands of your dog, if it is necessary. You may also learn how to complete this easy activity by asking us for guidance.

Furthermore, for some pet owners who are looking for Why does my dog’s bum smell like fish? Anal glands are the main reason. So, keep reading to explore symptoms and tips for dealing with anal glands in dogs.

Symptoms, signs of anal sac disease

Anal sac problems might emerge if your dog has some of these problems:

  • A pungent fishy odor, especially at your dog’s bottom;
  • Scooting across the ground;
  • Licking or biting their behinds;
  • Difficulties using the bathroom;
  • Indications of discomfort when sitting;
  • Wailing in agony;
  • Lumps that are hard or discolored around their anus;
  • Pus or blood in their stools;
  • On their bottom, an open incision or abscess may indicate a burst anal sac;
  • Being overweight or obese;
  • Allergies to foods and the environment;
  • Hypothyroidism;
  • Skin mites and skin infections are caused by bacteria or yeast.

Before the disease worsens and becomes more uncomfortable for your dog, it’s critical that you consult your veterinarian if you suspect anal sac issues.

How can I prevent anal sac disease?

Anal sac problems can afflict any dog, and the cause isn’t always known, but you can try to lower your dog’s risk by taking the following precautions:

  1. Feed your dog a high-quality diet with the appropriate quantity of fiber.
  2. Verify that they engage in sufficient, regular exercise.
  3. Make sure your dog has access to water so it can keep hydrated.
  4. Make sure your dog’s stools aren’t overly soft by keeping an eye on them.
  5. Maintain a healthy weight for your dog. While other veterinarians disagree, it has been reported that obese dogs are more prone to experience problems with their anal sacs. Nevertheless, one of the greatest methods to preserve your dog’s general health is to keep them at a healthy weight.
  6. Learn the warning indications that your dog may be developing problems with the anal sac.

Skin infections

Skin infections on the skin can cause a fishy smell. Dogs with skin folds, such as bulldogs or pugs, are more prone to these types of infections.

What type of skin infections make a fishy smell in dog?

There are several types of skin infections that can cause a fishy smell in dogs. These include:

  • Bacterial skin infections: Bacterial infections on the skin can produce a strong, fishy odor. These infections may be caused by a variety of bacteria, including Staphylococcus and Streptococcus.
  • Yeast infections: Yeast infections can occur on the skin and in the ears, and can produce a strong, musty odor that may be reminiscent of fish.
  • Fungal infections: Fungal infections, such as ringworm, can also cause a strong, unpleasant odor.
  • Seborrheic dermatitis: This is a skin condition that causes scaly, flaky skin and can produce a fishy odor.
  • Impetigo: Impetigo is a bacterial infection that commonly affects puppies and can produce a strong odor.

If you suspect that your dog may have a skin infection, it’s important to schedule an appointment with your vet to have them evaluated and treated.

How to prevent skin infections to stop the fishy smell?

Preventing skin infections in dogs can help reduce the likelihood of a fishy smell developing. Here are some steps you can take to prevent skin infections:

  1. Keep your dog clean: Regular bathing can help to remove dirt and bacteria from your dog’s skin, reducing the risk of infection. Make sure to use a dog-specific shampoo and rinse your dog thoroughly.
  1. Groom your dog regularly: Regular brushing and grooming can help to remove dead skin cells and prevent mats or tangles, which can trap bacteria.
  1. Keep your home and yard clean: Regularly cleaning your home and yard can help to reduce the amount of bacteria and other organisms that your dog is exposed to.
  1. Regular veterinary check-ups: Regular check-ups with your vet can help to identify any potential skin issues early and prevent them from developing into more serious problems.

Ear infections

A yeast or bacterial infection in the ears can cause a strong odor that may be reminiscent of fish.

Symptoms of ear infections cause fishy smell in dogs

Ear infections can cause a fishy smell in dogs, as well as a range of other symptoms. Here are some common symptoms of ear infections in dogs:

  • Scratching or shaking their head: If your dog is constantly scratching or shaking their head, it may be a sign of an ear infection.
  • Redness or swelling: Ear infections can cause redness or swelling in and around the ear canal.
  • Discharge or odor: Ear infections can produce a discharge that may be thick or have a strong odor.
  • Ear sensitivity: Dogs with ear infections may be sensitive to touch or pressure around the ears.
  • Loss of balance: In severe cases, ear infections can affect your dog’s balance and coordination.

How to prevent ear infections?

Preventing ear infections in dogs involves taking several steps to keep their ears clean and healthy. Here are some steps you can take to prevent ear infections:

  • Keep your dog’s ears clean: Regularly cleaning your dog’s ears with a vet-recommended ear cleaner can help to remove excess wax and debris, reducing the risk of infection. Be sure to follow your vet’s instructions on how to clean your dog’s ears properly.
  • Check your dog’s ears regularly: Make sure to inspect your dog’s ears regularly for any signs of redness, swelling, or discharge. If you notice any issues, contact your vet for advice.
  • Dry your dog’s ears after swimming or bathing: Moisture can increase the risk of ear infections, so make sure to dry your dog’s ears thoroughly after they have been in water.
  • Trim excess hair: Dogs with long hair around their ears may be more prone to ear infections. Make sure to trim any excess hair around the ears to allow air to circulate.
  • Avoid irritants: Avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaning agents near your dog’s ears, as these can irritate the skin and increase the risk of infection.
  • Maintain your dog’s immune system: A strong immune system can help to prevent infections from taking hold. Make sure to feed your dog a balanced diet, provide plenty of exercise, and keep up with regular veterinary check-ups.

Dental problems

Tooth decay or gum disease can lead to bad breath, which may have a fishy odor. So, many people wonder why does my dogs mouth smell like fish? Dental problems are one of the main reasons that cause the fishy smell in your dog’s mouth.

Symptoms of dental problems cause fishy smell in dogs

Dental problems in dogs can cause a fishy smell, as well as other symptoms. Here are some common symptoms of dental problems in dogs:

  • Bad breath: If your dog’s breath has a fishy odor, it may be a sign of dental issues.
  • Red or bleeding gums: Inflamed or bleeding gums can be a sign of gum disease, which can lead to dental problems.
  • Yellow or brown buildup on teeth: Tartar buildup on the teeth can lead to tooth decay and bad breath.
  • Difficulty eating or chewing: Dental problems can make it painful or difficult for your dog to eat or chew their food.
  • Pawing at the mouth: If your dog is pawing at their mouth or rubbing their face against furniture, it may be a sign of dental pain.
  • Loose or missing teeth: Loose or missing teeth can be a sign of advanced dental disease.

How to prevent dental problems?

Preventing dental problems in dogs involves taking several steps to keep their teeth and gums healthy. Here are some steps you can take to prevent dental problems:

  • Regular dental check-ups: Schedule regular dental check-ups with your vet to monitor your dog’s dental health and catch any issues early.
  • Brush your dog’s teeth: Regularly brushing your dog’s teeth with a dog-specific toothpaste can help to remove plaque and prevent tartar buildup. Start with short brushing sessions and gradually increase the time as your dog gets used to it.
  • Provide dental chews or toys: Chewing on dental chews or toys can help to remove plaque and tartar buildup from your dog’s teeth. Look for products that are specifically designed for dental health.
  • Feed your dog a balanced diet: A balanced diet that is high in quality protein and low in carbohydrates can help to keep your dog’s teeth and gums healthy.
  • Limit sugary treats: Sugary treats can contribute to the development of dental issues, so limit your dog’s intake of sugary snacks.
  • Monitor your dog’s chewing behavior: Make sure your dog is not chewing on hard objects that can damage their teeth.


Certain types of fish or seafood in a dog’s diet may cause their skin or breath to smell like fish. 

Types of foods cause a fishy odor in dogs

Certain types of fish or seafood in a dog’s diet can cause their skin or breath to smell like fish. Here are some types of fish or seafood that may cause a fishy odor in dogs:

  • Salmon
  • Tuna
  • Sardines
  • Herring
  • Anchovies
  • Shrimp
  • Shellfish
  • Fish-based dog foods or treats

If you suspect that your dog’s diet may be the cause of the fishy odor, try switching to a different protein source such as chicken, beef, or lamb. It’s important to make any dietary changes gradually and to consult with your vet before making any significant changes to your dog’s diet.

Types of foods treat a fishy smell in dogs

If the fishy smell in your dog is related to their diet, there are several foods you can try feeding them to help reduce or eliminate the odor. These foods include:

  • Parsley: Parsley is a natural breath freshener and can help to mask bad odors. Try adding some fresh chopped parsley to your dog’s food.
  • Yogurt: Yogurt contains live cultures of beneficial bacteria that can help to reduce bad breath and odor. Make sure to choose plain, unsweetened yogurt.
  • Coconut oil: Coconut oil has antimicrobial properties that can help to reduce bad breath and odor. Add a small amount to your dog’s food as a supplement.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables: Feeding your dog fresh fruits and vegetables can help to freshen their breath and reduce odor. Try feeding them carrots, apples, or green beans.

Remember to always consult with your veterinarian before making any changes to your dog’s diet.

What should I do to get rid of the fishy smell from the dog generally?

The best way to get rid of a fishy smell in your dog will depend on the underlying cause of the odor. Here are some general steps you can take to address the odor:

  1. Give your dog a bath: Use a dog-specific shampoo to give your dog a thorough bath, paying special attention to areas where the odor seems to be the strongest. Rinse your dog thoroughly and dry them completely.
  1. Clean their ears: If the odor is coming from your dog’s ears, gently clean them with a vet-recommended ear cleaner to help remove any buildup or infection.
  1. Check their teeth: If your dog’s breath smells fishy, make sure to check their teeth for any signs of decay or gum disease. Schedule a dental cleaning with your vet if necessary.
  1. Check their diet: If your dog’s diet contains fish or seafood, try switching to a different protein source to see if the odor goes away.
  1. Check their anal glands: If your dog has an issue with their anal glands, your vet may need to express them or treat them with medication.

If the fishy odor persists despite these efforts, it’s important to schedule an appointment with your vet to rule out any underlying health issues.

How often should I bathe my dog to prevent a fishy smell?

<strong>The Top Reasons Why Does My Dog Smell Like Fish - From Anal Glands to Diet</strong>
How often should I bathe my dog to prevent a fishy smell?

To prevent a fishy smell in your dog, it is recommended that you bathe them as often as once a week. This will help keep their skin and coat clean and reduce the chances of bacterial or yeast growth that can cause a foul odor. 

In addition to regular baths, you can also use pre-moistened dog wipes around your dog’s mouth and hindquarters daily to help clean any areas that may be prone to odors. It’s also important to wash your dog’s bedding at least once a week to prevent the buildup of dirt, bacteria, and other substances that can contribute to a fishy smell. By following these tips, you can help keep your dog smelling fresh and clean.

How can I clean my dog’s genital area to help prevent a fishy odor?

Cleaning your dog’s genital area regularly is an important part of preventing a fishy odor. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you clean your dog’s genital area:

  1. Prepare your materials: You will need a clean towel, a bowl of warm water, and a mild dog shampoo or a product recommended by your veterinarian.
  1. Place your dog in a comfortable position: You can place your dog on a table or a raised surface, or you can have them stand on the ground. Make sure they are comfortable and secure.
  1. Wet the genital area: Gently wet the area with a clean towel soaked in warm water. Be careful not to use water that is too hot, as this can burn your dog’s skin.
  1. Apply shampoo: Apply a small amount of mild dog shampoo or a product recommended by your veterinarian to the genital area. Be careful not to get any shampoo in your dog’s eyes or ears.
  1. Massage and rinse: Gently massage the shampoo into the area, being careful not to cause any discomfort or irritation. Rinse the area thoroughly with warm water.
  1. Dry your dog: Use a clean towel to pat the area dry, being careful not to rub too hard. Make sure the area is completely dry before letting your dog go.
  1. Reward your dog: Give your dog a treat or praise for being patient and cooperative during the cleaning process.

By following these steps regularly, you can help prevent a fishy odor in your dog’s genital area and keep them clean and healthy.

How long will it take to get rid of a fishy odor in my dog?

The time it takes to get rid of a fishy odor in your dog will depend on the underlying cause of the odor. If the odor is due to an infection or other health issue, it may take several days or weeks to resolve the problem completely. 

In some cases, a fishy odor may be a chronic issue that requires ongoing treatment and management. If the odor is due to poor hygiene or an environmental factor, such as a dirty living environment or a poor diet, it may be possible to eliminate the odor relatively quickly by addressing the underlying cause. 

What you need to know when your dog smell of fish?

Here’s more information about the fishy smell in dogs that you need to know:

Why does my female dog smell like fish?

A female dog may be experiencing difficulty maintaining the regular balance of yeast or germs in her vagina if she smells like fish. Additionally, it can indicate a urinary tract infection or pyometra (infection of the womb). Contact your veterinarian if your dog exhibits any odd discharge, has an offensive odor, or otherwise looks sick.

Why does my dog’s butt smell like fish?

There could be various reasons why does my dog smell like fish, and it’s best to take them to a veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis. However, one possible cause could be an issue with the anal glands

Dogs have two small glands located on either side of their anus that secrete an oily substance with a distinct odor. If the glands become impacted or infected, they can produce a fishy odor that may be noticeable on your dog’s butt. Your veterinarian can help you address any issues with the anal glands and alleviate your dog’s discomfort.

Why does my dogs pee smell like fish?

If your dog’s urine smells like fish, it may be due to a urinary tract infection (UTI). UTIs are common in dogs and can cause a fishy odor to the urine. Other possible causes of fishy-smelling urine in dogs include diet, kidney disease, or an issue with the prostate gland in male dogs. It’s best to take your dog to a veterinarian for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan, as UTIs and other urinary issues can be uncomfortable and even painful for your pet.

Why does my dogs vag smell like fish?

If your female dog has a fishy odor coming from her genital area, it may be due to a bacterial infection or an overgrowth of yeast. These infections can cause a variety of symptoms, including discharge, itching, and discomfort

In some cases, they may also cause the area around the genitals to become red or inflamed. It’s important to take your dog to a veterinarian to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan, as untreated infections can cause discomfort and more severe health problems if left untreated.

Why does my dog smell like fish when scared?

Some dogs may release a natural scent from their skin or glands when they are frightened or anxious. This scent is known as an “appeasement scent” and is meant to calm other dogs or animals around them. It’s possible that this scent may have a fishy or musky odor, depending on the individual dog. Additionally, some dogs may involuntarily release their anal glands when scared, which can produce a strong and unpleasant fishy odor.

Why does my dog smell like fish when she licks herself?

If your dog licks herself and smells like fish, she may have an infection or too much yeast or bacteria in her genital area. This can give your dog a fishy smell that is stronger when she licks herself. When it comes to female dogs, the smell could also be caused by vaginal discharge or other problems with reproduction. 

It’s important to take your dog to the vet to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan, since infections that aren’t treated can cause pain and more serious health problems if they aren’t treated. Also, keeping your dog clean and dry and practicing good hygiene can help stop these kinds of infections.

Why does my dog smell like fish after being spayed?

It’s not typical for a dog to smell like fish after being spayed. If your dog has a strong fishy odor following spaying surgery, it’s possible that there is an infection or wound that is not healing correctly.

You should take your dog to the veterinarian for an examination as soon as possible, as untreated infections can lead to more severe health problems. Another possible cause of the odor could be related to anesthesia used during the surgery, which may have caused some digestive issues. However, this is less common than an infection, and the smell should improve as your dog’s digestive system returns to normal.

Reasons for each types of breeds smell like fish

It’s important to note that each dog is unique and may have different reasons for a fishy odor. However, here are some possible reasons why certain breeds may smell like fish:

Why does my Golden Retriever smell like fish?

Retrievers are active dogs that enjoy spending time outdoors, swimming and exploring. However, their love of water can also lead to issues with their anal glands, which can produce a fishy odor if they become impacted or infected.

Why does my Yorkie smell like fish?

 A Yorkie may have a fishy odor due to skin issues like seborrhea, which can cause an overgrowth of yeast and bacteria. They may also have dental issues that can contribute to bad breath and a fishy odor.

Why does my Beagle smell like fish?

A Beagle may have a fishy odor due to ear infections, which are common in this breed. They may also develop skin infections or allergies that can cause a bad smell.

Why does my Chihuahua smell like fish?

Chihuahuas are a small breed that can be prone to dental issues. If left untreated, dental problems can cause bad breath and a fishy odor from their mouths. They may also have skin infections or allergies that can cause a bad smell.

Why does my Cocker Spaniel smell of fish?

Cocker Spaniels have long ears that can easily become infected or irritated. This can lead to a strong fishy odor coming from their ears, particularly if the infection is left untreated.

Moreover, this breed may have a fishy odor due to issues with the anal glands, which are common in this breed. They may also develop skin allergies that can cause an unpleasant odor.

Why does my Dachshund smell like fish?

A Dachshund may have a fishy odor due to issues with the anal glands or skin infections. They may also have dental issues that can contribute to bad breath and a fishy odor.

Why does my French Bulldog smell like fish?

Bulldogs are known for their unique wrinkles and folds, which can trap moisture and bacteria. This can cause skin infections that produce a fishy odor, particularly around the face and tail.

Why does my Goldendoodle smell like fish?

 A Goldendoodle may have a fishy odor due to skin infections or allergies. They may also have issues with the anal glands or dental problems that can contribute to bad breath.

Why does my Great Dane smell like fish?

Great Danes are prone to skin issues like dermatitis and pyoderma, which can cause a bad smell. They may also develop ear infections, which can produce a fishy odor. Other possible causes of a fishy smell in Great Danes include issues with the anal glands, dental issues, or diet

Why does my Schnauzer smell like fish?

A Schnauzer may smell like fish if it has a skin infection or is allergic to something. They may also have problems with their salivary glands or teeth, which can result in smelly breath.

Why does my Shih Tzu smell like fish?

If a Shih Tzu has skin problems like seborrhea or skin folds that can trap moisture and bacteria, it may smell like fish. They may also have dental issues that can contribute to bad breath and a fishy odor.


Do certain breeds of dogs smell more fishy than others?

Yes, certain breeds of dogs may be more prone to a fishy odor than others. Breeds that are more susceptible to skin infections or issues with the anal glands may have a stronger fishy smell. Some breeds that are commonly associated with a fishy odor include Retrievers, Basset Hounds, and Cocker Spaniels.

Can a fishy odor be a sign of a fungal infection in dogs?

A fishy odor is more commonly associated with bacterial infections in dogs, rather than fungal infections. However, fungal infections can also cause an unpleasant odor, depending on the type of infection and the location on the dog’s body. Fungal infections may cause a musty or earthy smell, rather than a fishy odor. It’s best to consult with your veterinarian to determine the underlying cause of the odor and receive appropriate treatment.

Can I use human shampoo on my dog to get rid of the fishy smell?

No, it’s not recommended to use human shampoo on your dog, as the pH levels of human skin and dog skin are different. Human shampoo may cause your dog’s skin to become dry, irritated, or more susceptible to bacterial infections. Additionally, the chemicals in human shampoos may be harmful to dogs if ingested. Instead, use a dog-specific shampoo that is designed to be gentle on your dog’s skin and help eliminate the fishy odor.


Generally, there are various reasons why does my dog smell like fish. It’s essential to take note of any accompanying symptoms such as itching, discomfort, or discharge, as they may provide important clues to the underlying cause. As a pet owner, it’s crucial to maintain good hygiene, provide a balanced diet, and take your dog to the veterinarian for regular check-ups and prompt treatment when necessary. If you notice your furry friend has a fishy smell, it’s important to seek veterinary attention to determine the underlying cause and help them get back to smelling fresh and clean.