When Do Puppies Open Their Eyes? How Do Puppies’ Eyes Develop?

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One of the most exciting milestones in a puppy’s early life is when do puppies open their eyes. Watching a puppy’s eyes slowly open for the first time is a magical experience for any pet owner. However, many new pet owners may be curious about when this significant moment occurs. So, when do puppies open their eyes? In this article, we will explore more about when puppies open their eyes, what to expect during this process, and how to support your puppy’s vision development.

When Do Puppies Open Their Eyes?

<strong>When Do Puppies Open Their Eyes? How Do Puppies’ Eyes Develop?</strong>
when do puppies eyes open

Although raising a puppy is fun, there is a lot to learn in the beginning. Some of the most important issues are when do puppies eyes open, when they start walking, and when they open their ears. Those questions are quite common for dog owners.

How old are puppies when they open their eyes?

Due to their extremely sensitive eyes to light, puppies are born with their eyes closed to help protect them. The average time it takes for a newborn puppy to open its eyes is between 10 and 14 days , but it can take up to 21 days.

Although some pups open their eyes simultaneously, you can observe that yours opens one eye first and the other a little while later. When the nerves in your puppy’s eyes are ready to open, you’ll notice a sudden shift in the dog’s body language as they start to investigate its surroundings.

When do puppies open their ears?

When do puppies open their eyes and ears? Puppies’ ears typically open around the same time as their eyes, at around 10 to 14 days of age. However, it may take a few more days for their hearing to fully develop. At first, they will hear only muffled sounds, but as their ears develop, they will become more sensitive to higher-pitched sounds and be able to locate the source of a sound more accurately.

It is important to handle puppies gently and carefully during this time, as their senses are still developing, and they may be easily startled or frightened. Providing a quiet, comfortable environment and plenty of socialization opportunities can help ensure that puppies develop properly and grow into healthy, happy adults.

When puppies can start walking?

Knowing when do puppies start walking and opening their eyes is necessary for dog owners. Puppies typically start walking between 3 and 4 weeks of age. At this stage, they will start to take their first wobbly steps, usually with their legs splayed out wide. 

However, it may take a few more weeks for them to develop the coordination and strength needed to walk steadily and confidently. It is important to give puppies plenty of time and space to explore their surroundings as they begin to develop their motor skills.

Additionally, it is important to keep a close eye on young puppies and ensure that they are safe and supervised at all times, as they may still be prone to falls and other accidents.

Times of each breed of puppies open their eyes

At this point, we’ll share with you when do puppies open their eyes for each types. Although there is no significant difference in the timeline of when puppies open their eyes between different types of dogs. 

On average, most puppies will start to open their eyes between 10 and 14 days of age, regardless of their breed or size. However, it is important to note that individual puppies may develop at their own pace, and some may open their eyes a little earlier or later than others. Additionally, some breeds may have a slightly different eye development timeline due to genetic factors or variations in size and growth patterns.

When do Pitbull puppies open their eyes?

Pitbull puppies generally open their eyes between 10 and 14 days of age, just like most other breeds. Additionally, factors such as the puppy’s health and nutrition can also affect their development and the timeline of when they will open their eyes. It is important to handle Pitbull puppies gently and provide them with a warm, safe environment during this early stage of life to help ensure that they grow into healthy, happy adults. If you have any concerns about your Pitbull puppy’s development or health, consult with a veterinarian for guidance and advice.

When do chihuahua puppies open their eyes?

Chihuahua puppies usually open their eyes when they are around 10 to 14 days old. At birth, their eyes are closed and will remain that way for the first few days of their life. During this time, they rely heavily on their sense of smell and touch to navigate their surroundings and find their mother’s milk. Around day 10 to 14, their eyelids will begin to open, and their eyesight will gradually improve over the next few weeks

When do Husky puppies open their eyes?

Husky puppies typically open their eyes between 10-14 days after birth. However, the exact timing can vary slightly from puppy to puppy. During the first week or so after birth, the puppies’ eyes are tightly shut as their eye structures are still developing. As their eyes mature, they will gradually start to open, and within a few days, they will be fully opened. By the time the puppies are 2-3 weeks old, their eyesight will have developed enough for them to start exploring their surroundings.

When do Yorkie puppies open their eyes?

Yorkie puppies typically open their eyes between 10 and 14 days after they are born. At birth, their eyes are closed and their ear canals are also closed. Over the next few days, their ears will start to open and they will begin to hear sounds. After a week or so, their eyes will start to open and they will begin to see the world around them. However, every puppy is different, and some open their eyes earlier or later.

When do German Shepherd puppies open their eyes?

German Shepherd puppies usually start to open their eyes when they are around 10 to 14 days old. At birth, their eyes and ear canals are closed, and they are unable to see or hear anything. However, over the first couple of weeks of their lives, their eyes and ears gradually open, and they start to become aware of their surroundings.

It’s worth noting that the exact timing of when German Shepherd puppies open their eyes can vary from pup to pup, and there is no need for concern if a puppy takes a little longer to open their eyes. If you have any concerns about the health or development of a German Shepherd puppy, it’s always best to speak with a veterinarian who can provide guidance and advice.

When do Golden Retriever puppies open their eyes?

Golden Retriever pups open their eyes approximately 10–14 days old. They cannot see or hear at birth because their eyes and ear canals are closed. They progressively open their eyes and hearing and become aware of their environment in the first two weeks of life.

It’s important to note that Golden Retriever puppies may open their eyes at different times, so don’t worry if yours does. If you have questions about a Golden Retriever puppy’s health or growth, see a veterinarian.

When do Shih Tzu puppies open their eyes?

Shih Tzu puppies usually start to open their eyes between 7 to 14 days after they are born. At birth, their eyes are closed and their ear canals are also closed. Over the first few days of their lives, their ears will start to open and they will begin to hear sounds. After about a week, their eyes will start to open and they will begin to see the world around them.

It’s important to note that every puppy is different, and some may open their eyes a little earlier or later than others. Additionally, it’s normal for a puppy’s eyes to be slightly cloudy or blue immediately after they open, but this usually clears up within a few weeks.

When do Frenchie puppies open their eyes?

Frenchie puppies typically open their eyes when they are around 8 to 12 days old. Once their eyes are open, a whole new world of sights and sounds opens up for them. Around 3 to 4 weeks old, the little explorers start crawling and taking their first few shaky steps, which is an exciting milestone. At this stage, they become very playful and often engage in love-biting each other, which is a normal part of their development.

When do Labrador puppies open their eyes?

Labrador puppies typically begin to open their eyes at around two weeks old. By this time, most Labrador puppies will have their eyes fully open or at least partly open. It’s also around this time that their ears will begin to open, allowing them to start hearing sounds. This is an exciting time for both the puppies and their owners, as the puppies begin to explore their surroundings and interact with their littermates more fully.

When do dachshund puppies open their eyes?

Dachshund puppies usually start to open their eyes between 10 and 14 days after they are born. At birth, their eyes are closed and their ear canals are also closed. Over the next few days, their ears will start to open and they will begin to hear sounds. After a week or so, their eyes will start to open and they will begin to see the world around them. However, it is important to note that every puppy is different, and some may open their eyes a little earlier or later than others. 

When do Beagle puppies open their eyes?

Beagle pups open their eyes 10–14 days after birth. They are born blind and deaf. Throughout the first two weeks of life, their eyes and hearing progressively open and they become aware of their environment.

What can newborn puppies see?

<strong>When Do Puppies Open Their Eyes? How Do Puppies’ Eyes Develop?</strong>
What can newborn puppies see

Even once their eyes are open, you shouldn’t anticipate your newborn puppies to perform well on an eye test. The transition stage, which lasts from week two to week three of a new puppy’s life, is when newborn puppies open their eyes, according to Zazie Todd.

A newborn puppy’s eyes are not particularly good at focusing when they first open and the vision is a little hazy. Additionally, they cannot stand intense light. Therefore, to safeguard their eyes at this young age, you should keep pups in a room with low lighting. Don’t expose them to direct sunlight.

Although puppies’ eyes are particularly sensitive to strong illumination, the following few weeks are critical for optimal eye development. Puppies should stay in a room with low illumination to prevent any injury or problems with visual development. They can start to observe their surroundings if their eyes are used to being open and absorbing light.

How do puppies’ eyes develop?

A puppy’s eyes are always closed at birth. Because the nerves in a newborn puppy’s eyes are too sensitive and underdeveloped, how soon do puppies open their eyes and how do they develop their eyes? Here is a brief summary of 4 crucial phases in a puppy’s eye development.

0-2 weeks: From closed to open eyes

Your puppy’s eyelids are closed during the first two weeks of its life to shield it from light. Puppies’ eyes will start to open as their light-sensitive nerves grow less sensitive. Newborn pups are also born with closed ears.

Although it may take 2 weeks or more time for a puppy to open its eyes, it is a normal and essential aspect of a puppy’s development. But the development of their eyes is far from complete at this point. They will be able to blink, open, and move their eyes, but their vision will be exceedingly fuzzy both up close and at a distance.

2-6 weeks: Vision begins to develop

After opening their eyes, puppies might take 6 weeks to develop their eyesight with some clarity. Though they won’t see much, their vision starts to alter and sharpen in on the near range. Their visual talents are all nearsighted since their capacity to look far away doesn’t develop until later.

Although puppies’ eyes are particularly sensitive to strong illumination, the following few weeks are critical for optimal eye development. Puppies should stay in a room with low illumination to prevent any injury or problems with visual development. They can start to observe their surroundings if their eyes are used to being open and absorbing light.

6-8 weeks: Greater visual sensitivity and vision 

Puppies’ eyesight improves and sharpens once they are 6 to 8 weeks old. At this point, they will still have trouble distinguishing objects at a distance, but they can do it up close. Light sensitivity won’t be as big of an issue, although being in excessively bright environments can still be uncomfortable. 

At this age, puppies will begin to distinguish their mother and the other puppies in the litter, although they are already accustomed to their odors.

When pups reach the 8-week mark, their ability to see distant objects will improve. Their close-up eyesight is usually finished developing, but their distance vision is still getting slightly hazy. Puppies often go on sale as early as 8 weeks because they can begin to recognize faces.

More than 8 weeks: Totally developed vision

Puppies will start to have a completely functional vision at 8 weeks and older. Their distant vision starts to get sharper, however, it may take up to 16 weeks for it to fully mature. The eyes of your dog should have finished growing by the time they are 16 months old. 

Unless there are medical reasons for a delay in development, vision should be clear and no longer hazy in both the distance and up close.

Do puppies open their eyes at the same time?

Puppies do not always open their eyes at the same time. Some puppies may open both eyes at once, while others may open one eye before the other. However, it is important to note that a puppy’s vision is not immediately clear upon opening their eyes. 

As the nerves in their eyes continue to develop, their eyesight will gradually improve over the course of several weeks. During this time, it is important to provide a safe and nurturing environment for the puppies and handle them with care as they adjust to their new surroundings. Socialization and regular checkups with a veterinarian can also help ensure that the puppies are healthy and developing properly.

What if your puppy’s eyes are still closed?

As mentioned above, although pups should be able to open their eyes by day 14, some can take longer to mature. Some pups’ eyes may not open for up to 3 weeks, depending on whether a medical problem is to blame or just how their eyes are growing

In order to make sure everything is progressing normally, keep an eye out for any swelling, lumps, or discharge. An open eye may appear to be closed because the puppy may not open them all the way. Keep a check on the eyelids for any squinting or movement that might mean a blink of an opening.

If your 3-week-old puppy hasn’t opened its eyes, you should take your pet to the doctor to be certain that your pet doesn’t have a medical issue or isn’t blind.

Why can’t puppies open their eyes?

Puppies are born with their eyes closed, and it takes some time for them to develop the ability to open them. Here are some of the reasons why can’t puppies open their eyes immediately after birth:

  • Underdeveloped nervous system: Puppies are born with an underdeveloped nervous system, including the nerves in their eyes. These nerves need time to mature before they can properly send visual information to the brain.
  • Protective mechanism: Closing their eyes is a protective mechanism that helps prevent damage to the delicate tissue in their eyes during birth and the first few weeks of life.
  • Immature eyelids: Puppies’ eyelids are not fully developed at birth, and it takes some time for them to become strong enough to open and close properly.
  • Maternal instincts: The mother dog’s instinct to keep her puppies warm and protected also plays a role in keeping their eyes closed during the first few weeks of life.
  • Lack of light: Puppies are born with a limited ability to see, and their eyes may not be fully developed until several weeks after birth. They may not be able to open their eyes fully until they are exposed to more light.

It is important to give puppies time and space to develop at their own pace and to handle them gently and with care during this early stage of life. Regular checkups with a veterinarian can also help ensure that puppies are healthy and developing properly.

When to see the vet for your puppy’s eyes are still closed?

You should look for any indications of vision impairment or eye disorders starting the moment your puppy’s eyes open and continuing through the last week of growth. Even though it may first be challenging to determine, it’s crucial to examine.

Here are some warning signals that necessitate a vet visit for a diagnosis:

  • Hazy, smoky areas;
  • White and milky film covering the eyes;
  • Eyelid swelling and discharge;
  • Abnormally formed pupils;
  • Enlarged tear ducts.

How can you take care of your puppy’s eyes?

<strong>When Do Puppies Open Their Eyes? How Do Puppies’ Eyes Develop?</strong>
How can you take care of your puppy’s eyes

A puppy’s eyelid should never be forced to open, especially before the eyes have fully opened. So it is time that you must comprehend the fundamentals of puppy eye care.

The good news is that maintaining the health of your puppy’s eyes doesn’t need much effort on your part. Your puppy’s eyes may be kept clean and soothed from discomfort by wiping the crust away each morning with a wet cloth. 

It is even more critical to maintain your dog’s environment germ-free when this important physical growth is taking place in order to prevent infection. The last thing your dog wants at this crucial time is for conjunctivitis to set in. Conjunctivitis in dogs can result in lifelong blindness if neglected.

You may also visually check your dog’s eyes at this time to make sure they don’t have any other symptoms of a condition, including redness or foreign items in the eyes.

Here are some quick pieces of advice for you:

  • Puppies should be kept inside until they can see.
  • Beware of bright lights.
  • Check eyes often for anomalies.
  • Let the mother dog handle the majority of the childcare.
  • When the eyes become soiled, gently clean them.


Are there any warning signs that something is wrong with a puppy’s eyes?

Yes, there are a few warning signs that something may be wrong with a puppy’s eyes, such as excessive tearing, redness or swelling, discharge, squinting, or cloudiness. If you notice any of these signs, it’s best to have your puppy examined by a veterinarian.

What breed of puppies open their eyes the earliest?

It’s difficult to say which breed of puppies open their eyes the earliest, as it can vary from puppy to puppy within a breed. However, small breed puppies tend to open their eyes earlier than larger breeds.

Should I be concerned if one of my puppy’s eyes opens before the other?

Not necessarily. It’s common for puppies’ eyes to open at slightly different times, and it’s usually nothing to worry about. However, if one eye doesn’t open at all, or if it’s significantly delayed compared to the other eye, it’s best to have your puppy examined by a veterinarian.

Is it normal for a puppy’s eyes to be cloudy after they first open?

Yes, it’s normal for a puppy’s eyes to be slightly cloudy or hazy after they first open. This is due to the development of the eye structures and should clear up on its own within a few weeks. However, if the cloudiness persists or becomes worse, it’s best to have your puppy examined by a veterinarian.


So when do puppies open their eyes? Generally, it might take 10 to 14 days. If your pet does not open its eyes after 3 weeks, you need to ask your veterinarian about the puppy’s growing schedule to have the best diagnoses and the most suitable solutions. Because puppies’ eyes are so vulnerable, receiving the right treatment as soon as possible helps ensure that their eyes are not harmed later in life.