Why Does My Dog Eat Grass? Here Are the Reasonable Explanations

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Dog owners frequently believe that their pets’ consumption of grass is a symptom of sickness, but this is not always the case. 

Dogs are more prone to eat grass because it tastes good, especially in the spring and summer when it is still green and young. At the same time, grass-eating may occasionally be a sign of boredom. So you should give your pet lots of entertainment through playing activities and exercise.

However, if you are still wondering why dogs eat grass, scroll down to find out more detailed answers.

Reasons Why Does Your Dog Eat Grass?

Dogs, in contrast to other creatures, are omnivores and are linked to carnivorous hunters like wolves. However, if you have a dog, you might have noticed him munching on grass while out in the yard or on a stroll. Why do dogs eat grass, then? It seems that different dogs consume grass for various reasons. Let’s examine the seven most common reasons.

Deficiency in Your Dog’s Diet

Some dog owners and vets believe that chewing grass is a sort of pica (Compulsive Consumption Of Non-Food Items), which is occasionally brought on by a dietary shortage. Many nutritional deficiencies are caused by vitamins, nutrients, or minerals that aren’t consumed regularly.

why my puppy eats grass
Your dogs eat grass because the daily meal is not enough.

If your dog consistently eats grass, contact your veterinarian about altering dog foods. Meanwhile, this action is not an issue for dogs that are provided with a well-balanced diet.

Need for Fiber

In general, is grass good for dogs? It seems to be true. Certain experts have hypothesized that some dogs may consume grass in an effort to increase their intake of fiber. 

Your dog may be able to acquire more fiber by eating grass, which aids in digestion, the passage of feces, and the maintenance of a healthy GI system. Changing to meals with a greater fiber content might be beneficial but you should always consult with your veterinarian before modifying your dog’s food.

Your Dog Needs Water

Grass contains a lot of water, like most other types of plants then should I let my dog eat grass? The answer is yes and it is one of the reasons why a dog eat grass.

That is when your dog only eats grass in the early morning or late evening when there is dew on the grass. It may also be the case if he solely eats grass during the sweltering summer months. 

Settle The Dog’s Stomachs

According to Dr. Jerry Klein, a chief veterinary officer of the AKC, “Yellow foam, or bile, usually indicates that the dog has an empty stomach.” The dog’s stomach may experience severe irritation and discomfort from the bile. 

So in this situation, what does it mean when dogs eat grass? Dogs may eat grass to assist them to expel the bile and feel better, as opposed to people who take antacids to relieve this pain. 

It Is the Dog’s Instinct

If a dog has a balanced diet, chewing grass might not even be indicative of a deficit but rather of instinct. The nutritional requirements, and digestive processes, together with the appetites of dogs might have changed to accommodate their modern domesticated existence nowadays.

Although eating an entire animal offered the best nutrition for dogs in the wild, especially if the animal’s diet included a variety of plants, the grass was not their main source of nutrients. They may have a genetic predisposition to want grass from a time when they hunted their own prey.

The Grass Is a Tasty Treat for Dogs

Maybe, your dog could just simply love the flavor and feel of moist, aromatic grass. It particularly sounds true when it is in the spring as new grass is just beginning to emerge or when your dog is dehydrated. 

Your Dogs Are Getting Bored 

what does it mean when dogs eat grass
Maybe they eat grass because of boredom.

The majority of dogs prefer your company. They could just be bored if they’re lounging around in the yard by themselves munching grass. 

Is It Bad For Dogs to Eat Grass?

After understanding “Why does a dog eat grass” you should find more information about “Is it good for dogs to eat grass?” 

Some dogs do vomit shortly after eating grass, so your dog’s ingestion may just be an indication that he or she is seeking to settle an unsettled stomach. This symptom also explains for the question “Why do dogs eat grass when sick?”

However, occasionally, even healthy practices may be dangerous. Dog-toxic herbicides and insecticides may be used with grass. Dogs who eat grass may also consume intestinal parasites carried by animal excrement, such as hookworms and roundworms. 

In either situation, your vet may recommend examinations using blood tests or fecal samples to check for parasites and toxicity.

What You Need to Know When Your Dog Eating Grass

It is normal for dogs (both pet dogs and wild dogs) to eat grass. 

In a survey of 1,500 dog owners, approximately 70% admitted that their animals consumed plants daily or at least once per week. Younger dogs were observed to exhibit this behavior more frequently than older ones.

Should I Let My Dog Eat Grass?

For dogs, eating grass is typical behavior. Although they won’t likely receive much nourishment from it, a dog that is generally healthy and properly dewormed shouldn’t have any concerns if they sometimes eat grass. 

You could check to see whether your dog is receiving enough exercise if you think they are chewing grass out of boredom. Play some enjoyable games with them. To keep them entertained, try throwing a Frisbee, playing a cooperative game, or getting them a durable chew toy.

If your dog exhibits pica behavior due to a nutritional shortage, changing to healthier dog food, particularly one with high fiber content, may help solve the issue.

How to Stop Your Dog From Eating Grass?

Whatever the reason may be, the grass is not the healthiest snack for your dog. Even though the grass itself might not be dangerous to any dog, its herbicides and insecticides might be.

how to get rid of eating grass for my dog
Our dogs eating grass might be harmed by fertilizers.

The grass may also be contaminated with intestinal parasites like hookworms or roundworms from other dogs’ feces when your dog picks it up from the ground. 

Remember to check the ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center website, which maintains a list of poisonous and non-toxic plants, to make sure the plants in and surrounding the area where your dog is eating grass are not harmful.

Below are 2 tips to stop your dog from eating grass:

  • Use food rewards to cease eating the grass. That means you must carry rewards with you when you walk your dog, then give him a verbal warning, followed by a treat when he obeys.
  • Educate affection-driven dogs by simply switching out the treats for stroking and positive verbal reinforcement. A simple “heel” order may be needed to redirect the dog’s attention from the grassy nibble in dogs who react to verbal commands.

When Should I Call My Vet?

Dogs eat grass for many reasons, but you are recommended to consult your veterinarian if your dog:

  • Exhibits other symptoms, such as refusing the food you offer them, seeming exhausted, or experiencing constipation or diarrhea.
  • Consumes grass compulsively.
  • Continues to eat grass and becomes ill.

It is always preferable to seek advice from your veterinarian if you have any concerns about your dog’s health or your dog’s behavior.


To sum up, can dogs eat grass? Yes, they can. Because grass generally is a harmless plant. It also contains fiber and water, which are essential for dogs. Eating grass can even comfort the dogs’ stomachs.

But if your pet’s resistance is a little bit weak and the dog tends to eat too much grass, you should pay more attention to your puppy’s meals and health.

Note down the unusual symptoms that your dog is having and consult your veterinarian if your dog frequently throws up grass and/or isn’t eating its regular diet.