Can Dogs Eat Eggplant? What You Need to Know Before Feeding Your Pup?

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Have you ever wondered can dogs eat eggplant? Well, sure they can – but only in moderation! While it’s definitely okay to offer your pup a little bit of eggplant, it’s important to remember that too much can cause gastrointestinal upset. Before putting eggplant in your dog’s food, it’s crucial to know the facts because there are possible hazards involved with doing so. In this blog, I’ll discuss the nutritional value of eggplant and how to feed it safely to dogs.

What is an eggplant?

An eggplant, also known as aubergine or brinjal, is a species of plant in the nightshade family Solanaceae. It is widely cultivated for its edible fruit which can be used as a vegetable in cooking. The fruit of the eggplant is spongy and absorbent, and has a distinctly purple color. It is considered a berry from a botanical perspective.

Eggplant can be used in numerous cuisines throughout the world and is quite versatile in terms of preparation. Its flavor ranges from sweet to bitter, depending on its maturity and variety. Eggplants are widely available year-round and can be prepared in a variety of ways including steamed, roasted, grilled, or fried.

Can dogs have eggplant?

Can Dogs Eat Eggplant? What You Need to Know Before Feeding Your Pup?
Can dogs have eggplant

Yes, dogs can eat eggplant in moderation. Eggplant contains many benefits to dogs. However, it should be cooked before feeding it to your pup. Eggplant is a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. It also contains antioxidants that help protect cells from damage and improve digestion. Eggplant should be served in small pieces to avoid choking hazards. Make sure to remove the skin before feeding eggplant to a dog.

It’s also important to keep an eye on your pup while they’re eating it, to make sure they don’t have any adverse reactions. If you want to give your pup eggplant as a treat, be sure to consult with your veterinarian first. They’ll be able to tell you the best way to feed eggplant to your pup and ensure their safety. Eggplant is a nutritious snack for dogs, but it should always be given in moderation.

Is eggplant good for dogs? Benefits of adding eggplant to a dog’s diet

I recently tried feeding my pup some eggplant, and he absolutely loved it! So, can dogs have eggplant? It’s true that dogs can eat eggplant in moderation, and believe it or not, there are some potential health benefits for your pup if you do decide to share this vegetable with them. Significant amounts of calcium, copper, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, and vitamins A, B6, and K may be found in eggplant. These vitamins and minerals help support a healthy immune system and can even provide anti-inflammatory benefits. Eggplant is also a low-calorie food, making it an excellent choice for dogs who need to watch their weight. 

Moreover, eggplant is rich in fiber which can help normalize your dog’s digestive system and promote healthy bowel movements. In plants, phytonutrients are compounds that protect cells from damage and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Eggplant is a significant source of these compounds.

In addition to the nutritional benefits, adding eggplant to your pup’s diet is also a great way to switch up mealtime and keep things interesting. It’s also great for dogs that may have food sensitivities, as eggplant is a hypoallergenic food. 

Potential risks of feeding eggplant to dogs

Some dogs may experience adverse reactions when fed eggplant. While it is not a common allergy, it can be a risk for some canine companions. Symptoms of an eggplant allergy may include itchiness, rash, upset stomach, facial swelling, vomiting or sore tummy. Anaphylaxis, a potentially fatal allergic response, can occur in severe cases in dogs and need rapid veterinarian care.

Additionally, eggplant contains oxalates, which can cause irritation of the digestive tract and may contribute to bladder stones in some dogs. For these reasons, it’s important to consult with your veterinarian before feeding eggplant to your pet. 

Tips on how to feed eggplant safely to your pet

If you’re looking to feed your pet some eggplant as a snack, there are a few things you need to keep in mind:

Bland is better when it comes to feeding eggplant to pets – so try to serve the eggplant raw and unseasoned, and limit any oils or seasonings you might use. Additionally, it’s best to cut the eggplant into small slices or cubes where your pet can easily consume them. 

To get the best nutritional benefits for your pet, try experimenting with different preparation methods such as steaming or baking. As long as you stick to the bland rule of thumb, your pet can enjoy some eggplant without any adverse effects.  

Recipes for dog-friendly eggplant treats:

Eggplant Cake

In a blender, blend together 1/2 cup cooked, mashed eggplant, 1/4 cup plain yogurt, 1/2 cup rolled oats, and 1 teaspoon honey. Grease a 4-inch round cake pan with cooking oil. Pour the eggplant mixture into the prepared pan and spread evenly. Bake in a preheated 350°F oven for 30 minutes, or until cake is lightly golden and firm. Let cool before cutting into slices and serving to your pup.

Eggplant and Cheese Treats

In a small bowl, mash together 1/4 cup cooked eggplant with 1/4 cup grated cheese. Roll mixture into 1-inch balls and place on a lightly greased baking sheet. Bake in a preheated 350°F oven for 15 minutes, or until cheese is melted and treats are lightly golden. Let cool before serving.

Eggplant and Peanut Butter Treats

In a blender, blend together 1/2 cup cooked eggplant, 1/4 cup peanut butter, and 1/2 cup rolled oats. Grease a 4-inch round cake pan with cooking oil. Pour the eggplant mixture into the prepared pan and spread evenly. Bake in a preheated 350°F oven for 30 minutes, or until cake is lightly golden and firm. Let cool before cutting into slices and serving to your pup.

Eggplant Sticks

Cut a large eggplant into 1-inch thick sticks. Brush each stick with olive oil and sprinkle with garlic powder, dried oregano, and grated cheese. Bake in a preheated 350°F oven for 25 minutes, or until eggplant is soft and cheese is melted. Let cool before serving. Enjoy!

Eggplant and Bacon Treats

In a small bowl, mash together 1/4 cup cooked eggplant with 2 tablespoons crumbled cooked bacon. Roll mixture into 1-inch balls and place on a lightly greased baking sheet. Bake in a preheated 350°F oven for 15 minutes, or until bacon is crispy and treats are lightly golden. Let cool before serving.

Eggplant Fritters

In a blender, blend together 1/2 cup cooked eggplant, 1/4 cup plain yogurt, 1 egg, and 1/2 cup all-purpose flour. Heat a skillet over medium-high heat with cooking oil. Drop 1 tablespoon of eggplant batter into the hot skillet and cook for 2-3 minutes per side, or until golden and cooked through.

Eggplant and Apple Treats

In a blender, blend together 1/2 cup cooked eggplant, 1/4 cup plain yogurt, 1/2 cup rolled oats, 1/4 cup diced apple. Grease a 4-inch round cake pan with cooking oil. Pour the eggplant mixture into the prepared pan and spread evenly. Bake in a preheated 350°F oven for 30 minutes, or until cake is lightly golden and firm. Let cool before cutting into slices and serving to your pup.

What parts of the eggplant can dogs eat?

Dogs are often curious about various types of foods, including eggplants. Although eggplants are not necessarily a part of a canine’s balanced diet, there are certain parts of eggplants that can be safely consumed by dogs. Before feeding your pup any eggplant, make sure to thoroughly wash and cook the vegetable.

Can dogs eat eggplant leaves?

No, dogs should not eat eggplant leaves. Eating them can be very dangerous for your four-legged friend and can even lead to death. 

All green parts of the plant and immature or green eggplants can be harm to dogs, so it’s best to keep them away from your pup. If your dog has eaten eggplant leaves, consult with your veterinarian immediately and monitor them closely for any signs of illness such as vomiting, diarrhea, weakness or loss of appetite. It is best to avoid giving your dog any part of the eggplant plant to protect them from potential harm. 

Can dogs eat eggplant seeds?

Eating eggplant seeds can be a tricky proposition for dogs. While they are not toxic to dogs, they are also not very digestible. This means that when digested, eggplant seeds can cause digestive issues like vomiting and diarrhea. Additionally, the seeds are small and hard, making them a choking hazard. Therefore, it is not recommended to feed eggplant seeds to dogs in any form. 

Can dogs eat eggplant skin?

Yes, dogs can eat eggplant skin! But as with all food items, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian before feeding your pup any new food items. Eggplant skin contains some beneficial nutrients, such as fiber and vitamin B6, that may provide some health benefits for your dog. 

However, eggplant skin can also contain toxins that could be dangerous for dogs. As such, it’s important to only give your pup small amounts of eggplant skin and to observe for any signs of digestive upset or other health issues. If your pup seems to be doing okay, then it’s likely safe to let them enjoy the occasional treat of eggplant skin. Always be sure to check with your vet first, though!

What type of eggplant should you feed our dog?

It’s important to consider the health and safety of our beloved pet when deciding what type of food to feed them. Eggplant is a popular vegetable for dogs, but it is important to make sure that the eggplant you feed your dog is properly cooked and free of any added seasonings. 

Can dogs eat cooked eggplant?

Can Dogs Eat Eggplant? What You Need to Know Before Feeding Your Pup?
Can dogs eat cooked eggplant

Yes, dogs can eat cooked eggplant. In fact, it’s a great source of antioxidants and vitamins which can help support their immune system. However, it’s important to serve the eggplant cooked in order to avoid potential digestive issues. Additionally, when introducing a new food into your pup’s diet, it’s important to start with only a small amount and gradually increase the portion size over time. This will help your pup’s body get used to the new food. 

Can dogs eat raw eggplant?

Yes, dogs can eat raw eggplant in small amounts as a snack. Some dog owners like to dice it and offer it as a quick treat. It is important to note, however, that consuming too much raw eggplant can upset your dog’s stomach. 

Additionally, eggplant contains small amounts of a compound that is toxic to some animals called solanine. To ensure your dog’s safety, it is best to either limit the amount of raw eggplant offered or cook it before feeding it to your pup. When cooked, the solanine is reduced or destroyed, making it safer for your pup. Additionally, cooked eggplant can be added to your dog’s regular meal to provide extra nutrition and flavor. If you do decide to offer your pup some eggplant, make sure it is free of any chemicals and pesticides.

Can dogs eat fried eggplant?

I recently tried feeding my dog some fried eggplant and I was surprised to find that he loved it! He ate every last bite, so I have to assume that it is safe for dogs to eat fried eggplant. However, it is important to remember that this should only be given as a treat in moderation. Fried eggplant is high in fat and calories, so it should not make up a significant portion of your pet’s diet.

If you choose to feed your dog fried eggplant, make sure it is cooked in a healthy oil such as olive or coconut. Avoid using oils that are high in saturated fats, as these can be harmful to your pet. Additionally, do not add any seasonings or sauces to the eggplant. Even low-sodium varieties can contain ingredients that are toxic to pets, such as onions and garlic.

Overall, it is safe for dogs to eat fried eggplant as an occasional treat. However, it is important to make sure that you are following the recommendations above when preparing and serving it to your pet. It is also important to note that fried eggplant should not replace other healthy foods in your pet’s diet. As with any treat, moderation is key!

Can dogs eat eggplant parmesan?

I have to admit, I was really tempted to share a delicious eggplant parmesan recipe with my pup. But after doing some research, I’m sad to report that eggplant parmesan is not something that dogs should consume. Though there are minor amounts of healthy ingredients in eggplant parm, the dish also contains a good amount of cheese and garlic/onion which can be toxic to dogs if eaten in large quantities. 

Though it may be difficult to resist giving your pup a treat with eggplant parmesan, it’s best to keep this dish away from furry friends. If you’re looking for a way to share mealtime with your pup, try whipping up something that’s both tasty and safe for your pup to enjoy. There are plenty of delicious dog-friendly recipes out there – just make sure you do some research before serving! 

Can dogs eat eggplant with egg?

Yes! Dogs can enjoy eating eggplant with egg. I have even made this dish for my pup several times, serving it up with a side of cooked eggs. 

However, it is important to cook the eggs thoroughly before serving them to your pup as a raw egg can contain harmful bacteria and germs, such as salmonella. Adding cooked egg to your pup’s meal can be a great way to provide them with essential proteins and other nutrients that they need to stay healthy. You may want to consult with your veterinarian before adding any new foods to your pup’s diet.

How much eggplant should dogs eat a day?

Eating vegetables is an important part of a healthy diet, and I aim to have five servings each day. Recently I discovered that even one quarter of an eggplant (75g) counts as one serve, so I wondered if this is something that would be beneficial for dogs to eat.

Unfortunately, it is not recommended to give your dog eggplant on a regular basis. Eggplants contain compounds known as alkaloids which can be toxic to dogs in large doses, and it is difficult to determine the exact amount your dog should consume. Additionally, eggplants are very high in fiber and may cause digestive upset if eaten in large amounts.

Alternative foods that are safe for dogs to consume instead of eggplants

I have a furry friend at home, and like most pet owners, I’m always on the lookout for healthy foods to feed my pup. Fortunately, there are many alternatives to eggplant that are safe for dogs to eat like chicken, beef, and turkey, fresh fruits and vegetables such as carrots, apples, sweet potatoes. 


What should I do if my dog has an adverse reaction to eating eggplant?

You should stop giving eggplant to your dog right away and seek further guidance from your veterinarian if they exhibit any symptoms of pain or disease as a result of eating eggplant.

Should I feed my puppy the same amount of eggplant as an adult dog?

No, puppies should not eat the same quantity of eggplant as an adult dog. When adding new foods to puppies, it’s vital to remember that they may be more sensitive to some substances.

What foods should I avoid feeding my dog in combination with eggplant?

It is best to avoid feeding your dog any other food when offering them eggplant, as this could increase the risk of adverse reactions. 

Is it possible to give my dog too much eggplant in one sitting?

No, it is not recommended to give your dog too much eggplant in one sitting. Eggplant can be a nutritious treat for your pup, but it is important to give it in moderation. Too much eggplant can lead to gastrointestinal discomfort, such as diarrhea and vomiting, due to its high fiber content. Additionally, the oxalic acid in eggplant can cause an upset stomach and interfere with calcium absorption if eaten in large quantities.


In conclusion, if you’re wondering can dogs eat eggplant?  the answer is yes, but with caution. Eggplant is not too toxic to dogs, but it can cause digestive issues if given in large quantities. It’s best to introduce eggplant gradually and in small amounts to monitor any adverse reactions. With some careful consideration, you can give your pup a tasty and nutritious snack in eggplant!